Famously sung by ‘N Sync … “it’s gonna be MAY” and we can’t be more excited for it as ALG Vacations™ kicks off the most special month of a very special year: Travel Advisor Appreciation Month (TAAM) during the Year of the Travel Advisor (#YOTTA2021).
Years ago, this started out as a national “day,” but because ALGV is a little extra and likes to give agents a little MORE, we’ve made it a tradition to extend it to a month. And with our declaration of 2021 as the Year of the Travel Advisor, we knew we had to make TAAM bigger and better than ever before.
Here’s a little video message from Jacki explaining what our thought process is, with teasers on what we’ll be doing:
… However, if you prefer to read all about it, here are the big showstopper initiatives we’re rolling out for Travel Advisor Appreciation Month 2021.
A-MAY-zing YOLO Giveaways
You Only Live Once, and as the pandemic has proven, the only way to do it right is to do it with no regrets. To help you do so, we’re hosting our first-ever a-MAY-zing YOLO giveaway, with seven all-out bucket-list trips including air up for grabs. The grand prizes include a group mansion getaway to an incredible new resort in America’s most popular Caribbean destination; the second one is 10 nights on three different islands in Hawaii. Go to www.ALGVacations.com/YOLO for more info.
New Social Support Material
For TAAM, we’re putting together an extra-special package of tools and resources to support your business success: one you can share with your clients! Coming soon will be a marketing kit that answers the question Why Book with a Travel Advisor and multiple easily digestible, 30-second videos on ALGV’s policies for sharing on social media. The first collection will help you drive social audiences to climb over that fence that is keeping them from booking with you, while the second series will save you time not having to explain the same policies over and over. Together, it’s a win-win for sales leads and productivity.
Of course, there’s more to come, from special executive webinars to more Know. Grow. GO! sessions with giveaways, incentives for you and your customers, and technology that’s always improving.
Happy Travel Advisor Appreciation Month! And may the remainder of #YOTTA2021 bring more ways to celebrate what you do.
Get the goods on #YOTTA2021 – catch up here to learn about our new store for swag, here for details on special #YOTTA2021 content, and here for all the background.